Песня монстр хай 13 желаний минусовка

Продолжительность mp3: 02:19

Дата добавления: 2018-01-25

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Текст песни:

We are monsters
We are proud.
We are &9829monsters
Say it LOUD&33

High school&39s a harror
Can&39t get out of my Bed
Everybody&39s talking but it&39s not in my head,
They say "Don&39t be different be like them instead"
But they can&39t KEEP US DOWN
Cuz we&39re Monster high bred
13 the o&39clock is striking

it&39s time to cheer for your team&33
You are the ghoulest ghoul
By far
So don&39t be afraid of WHO YOU ARE???

&39Cuz tonight
We&39re gonna leave
Our fears behind
we&39re in it together
Продолжение будет...............
Отличная музыка Monster High в этой группе ВСТУПАЙ НЕ ПОЖАЛЕЕШЬ&33&33&33